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Advanced oil painting techniques made easy




About Dolores Pallares.
I present my web with the idea of enjoying while showing to all of you my artistic works, done with several disciplines. Oil and watercolour paintings. Photo-digital works and illustrations.
To the ones who likes them, they can buy an original or a digital copy. Printed in photo paper, vinyl or canvas. Contact to me.

My story,
I was born a light day of November, year 1950. Already from that moment, I been watching the world through colours. Fascinated by their visual and psychological effects. The feelings I get through those effects of light and colors. The way that one modifies the others. As a result, colours are more saturated, light or cool.

My learning process started when I was a little girl. I went to differents arts schools in Barcelona. I was learning the secrets of drawng with charcoal and sanguine with alive models. I was starting with oleos and watercolours, till nowadays. Since then I always have been searching and trying to find myself through my creations.

For some time, I was busy being mother, wife and a professional (licensed as Technique of E. Turistiques). Because of that, I was deciding to learn a new aspect of a more "instant" art. The photography. And with that, to proceed my creative activities. With a reflex Nikon, I learned all the necessary techniques to master the analogique photography.

Later, I was interested by the digital world and went to study and to get learning::
- Internet technique. ECC in Barcelona- CAD design and multimedia. Studied at the Arquitecture University La Salle in Barcelona (1999).
- Multimedia teniques. BAU "Escuela Superior de Diseño de Barcelona"(2001-2).

As a photographer,I have several interestings artistic experiences:
" Photo-graphique report about Bolivia. Their people and their typical dances.
" The butterfly habitat and behaviour. Tavascan valley at the Pyrenees.
" Photo-graphique reports about different social events.
" My personal collection of digital images of all round the world.

My artistic work as a painter:

Together with other artists I presented my oils at Danae Gallery in Barcelona (1981).
At my atelier-gallery I have my personal collection. Some of my works are presented in this web.

Getting more oil painting skills, thanks to the Fine Art Techniques DVD's. Taught by Robert Bosler.It has been a great experience to learn through all the steps he is providing.


I believe in creativity as the philosopher Antonio Blay was expressing in these words:
"Creativity is the natural achievement of finding yourself. It is the consequence of leaving with maturity of consciousness all the experiences that live brings to you, without blocking them, without lies or distortions.
The creative power it manifests in all the actions that men are realizing. With the plenitude of all our soul. With the sincerity, spontaneity and purely awareness of our soul." Antonio Blay

© Copyright Art by Dolores Pallares- www.artbypallares.com-updated- april 2010- Web master Pallares